The goal of this project was to rebrand an existing cultural institution. Working with a team, we researched The Franklin Institute, a science and technology museum located in Philadelphia. The Franklin’s needs included creating a brand with cohesiveness across all touchpoints and awareness. As a team we developed ten touchpoints and created a brand book. The following pieces are touchpoints I was personally in charge of developing for the institution, including: a business system, uniforms, and advertising.
Each touchpoint utilizes specific brand criteria established by our team. The business system is clean and concise and reflects the professional side of the brand and uses only the primary colors. The uniforms for volunteers are fun and recognizable, while staff polos are professional and offer a clear sense of seniority. The ads have endless possibilities. Bus stops and billboard will reach local audiences while social media ads will enhance awareness globally. Ads have a clear call-to-action and let people know what to look forward to.
Below are a few images from the brand book we developed as a team for this project. These images offer some context to the designs above and were developed in a team setting. Collaborators include Oxie Kambur, Spencer Parry, and Adrian Camacho. 
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